Student Expectations
Guiding Principles:
Compass Community has developed its policies from a Christian perspective and desires to be a redemptive community. From a Christian understanding, a redemptive community is one in which we recognize the goodness of Creation (Gen. 1:31), the reality of the Fall (Gen. 3:17- 19), and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ in bringing about God's purposes (Rom. 8:22).
In this community, we honor one another as made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26). We do this by treating one another with respect, by extending grace and mercy to one another, by being loving and understanding, by being patient and trustworthy, and by promoting the truth in love. We recognize that all people will fail at times, and we will extend grace and mercy. We expect students to grow through accepting responsibility for their wrong actions. Above all, we seek to be a community that is characterized by the fruits of the spirit: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Gal. 5: 22-23). Compass Community wishes to model and foster these qualities of redemption and personal responsibility in the lives of faculty, staff, and students.
While in attendance at all Compass classes, events, and activities, students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our Statement of Faith and Values by displaying respect and kindness in their attitude, behavior, and communication. We believe the Bible sets the standard for appropriate behaviors and actions, and when issues arise, we will use Biblical standards to guide our policies.
Materials (games, books, video games, cards, clothing, etc) that contain graphic, gory, racist, sexual, or otherwise inappropriate content should not be brought to Compass.
Student speech and behavior should be respectful and appropriate. Obscene, racist, hateful, or otherwise inappropriate language and behavior will not be accepted.
For the benefit of learning and student involvement, toys, trading cards (ex: Pokemon), electronic game systems, etc. should be left at home unless requested by a teacher.
In order for all students to enjoy their classes and activities at Compass, it is imperative that students conduct themselves appropriately at all times. If a student’s behavior causes consistent disruptions or conflicts, then the teachers or directors may contact the parents directly to arrange a suitable plan to improve the child’s behavior. Inappropriate behavior or language may result in the student not being allowed to continue at Compass.
Dress Code
While in attendance at all Compass classes, events, and activities, students are expected to dress in a manner that is age-appropriate, developmentally-appropriate, and modest. Clothing that is excessively tight, short, or low-cut should be avoided. Students should dress in a family-friendly way that allows them to move around comfortably without risk of exposure. Administrators/Directors will have the final say on whether dress meets these requirements.
Phones, Laptops, and Other Devices
Students may bring phones, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices to Compass with the understanding that such devices should remain in the students’ backpacks during class times unless specifically requested by the teacher (ie: teacher asks students to take out laptops for coding or phones for online research). Compass assumes no liability for such devices, so students and parents understand that by bringing them, they assume the responsibility and risk for any damage or loss of the items. It is Compass’s recommendation that students only bring what is required for class and no additional electronic devices.
Elementary and Middle school students must keep their phones/devices in their backpacks throughout their day at Compass including in the lunchroom and waiting area unless they are sending a quick text to a parent. Extended use of a device, gaming, or video watching may result in the device being confiscated and held at the front desk until pick up time.
High School students may use their phones/devices in the waiting area or lunchroom with the understanding that all content must be family friendly. Any students caught sharing material (written, video, etc) that is deemed inappropriate may have their phone/device confiscated and held at the front desk until pick up time.
Identity & Relationships
Compass Community fully accepts the Bible's teachings regarding identity and romantic relationships. We believe God created each person as male or female (Gen. 1:27), and Compass's policy is to use the language and permit the use of facilities (ie. bathrooms, dressing rooms, etc.) consistent with a person's biological sex.
Additionally, we believe God designed marriage to be between a man and a woman (Mark 10:6-9) and that sexual intimacy should be reserved for marriage. At Compass, romantic relationships between individuals should be limited to one male and one female, and displays of affection should be kept modest.
In today's culture, we recognize that students may be struggling with or questioning some of these issues, and we desire to offer support and extend mercy and grace. We love and welcome all students; however, if a student is actively pursuing and/or promoting a lifestyle that is not in accordance with the Compass Community beliefs and values, the student may not be allowed to continue at Compass.
Academic Probaiton & Integrity
Students in the MAP program as well as Wednesday academic elective classes (ie. journalism, debate, foreign language, etc.) are expected to complete work as assigned by the teacher in a timely manner. Work that is turned in late may not be accepted. Students are also expected to work hard and turn in assignments that reflect significant effort.
Students who receive an Incomplete or a grade of D, F, or N for a grading period will be placed on academic probation. Failure to raise a grade may result in removal from the academic classes.
Academic integrity is vital to a student's learning. Teachers assign essays, tests, quizzes, and other work to extend the learning done in the classroom and as a means of assessing learning. When students violate academic integrity, they are showing a lack of respect to their teachers, their parents, themselves, and others. Violating academic integrity includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarizing, copying, using prohibited resources, lying, and using Chat GPT or other AI. Consequences for such behavior may be a zero on the assignment, extra assignments, discussions with parents, and potential removal from the program.
Dismissal from the Program
We will seek to be in partnership with parents and students and find resolution in all matters, but we recognize that there may be a time when Compass Community may remove a student from the program. This may be when a student’s behavior is consistently disruptive or dangerous in a classroom, when a student is pursuing and/or promoting a lifestyle that is opposed to Compass’s values and beliefs, and/or when a student violates academic integrity.
It is our desire in all matters for students, teachers, and parents to feel supported, valued, and respected at Compass. The expectations outlined above reflect our values and expectations for our students in order that our community honors God and is guided by love, truth, grace, mercy, and personal responsibility. At any time a student or parent has concerns or questions, we encourage them to speak directly with a teacher, staff member, or director so we can address the issues.