Lord of the Rings Book Club
Come, fellow travelers, and join us on a grand adventure through the hallowed lands of Middle-earth, where we shall journey deep into the heart of the creative genius of J.R.R. Tolkien. In the quiet comfort of our own homes, we shall embark upon the first two volumes of this timeless epic: The Fellowship of the Ring in the first semester, followed by The Two Towers in the second; and the instructor shall provide a reading schedule to guide our path through the pages.
Within the halls of our gathering place, we shall immerse ourselves in the tales of old, exploring the noble and valiant hearts of the characters, and unraveling the great themes that echo through the ages. Through merry endeavors such as games of wit and wisdom, spirited discussions, mapwork to chart our course, and glimpses of the films that have brought these stories to life, we shall come to know and love the world of Middle-earth more deeply. There shall be moments of lightness and joy, for no journey is truly complete without the pleasure of a second breakfast—and perhaps a song or two to lift our spirits along the way.
The year shall draw to a close with reflections from Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues: Exploring the Spiritual Themes of The Lord of the Rings by Mark Eddy Smith, a volume that shall guide us through the deeper meanings of Tolkien’s world. And, as any true hobbit would, we shall end each semester with a merry celebration, filled with good food, games, and the fellowship of kindred spirits. Students shall be called upon to bring forth a humble offering—a morsel or tidbit to share for the two end of semester celebrations.
Students will also be called upon to purchase their own copies of the two books.
Your Instructor
Rhonda Smith

This class meets on
Supply Fee