Learning with Legos
Calling all LEGO-maniacs who enjoy being creative, and having fun! LEGOs can be used to teach so many different things beyond just building skills, such as math, science, logic, history, reading, language arts, and
more! Each week the students will use LEGOs to not only build, but have fun with activities, games, and challenges. Some weeks students will have directed learning activities using LEGOs, other weeks they will have building challenges, projects, or guided builds that allow for kids to be creative with the LEGOs. Students
will develop important skills such as problem-solving, following directions, communication, critical thinking, fine motor development, and cooperation. LEGOs (so many LEGOs!) are provided for students to use in class.
*Please note - If your child has previously taken one of my LEGO classes, new challenges, and activities will be added this year to keep it interesting and exciting for returning and new students alike!
Your Instructor:
Tiena Thacker
This class meets on: