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What is Compass Community?Compass Community is a multi-faceted Christian homeschool organization designed to support homeschooling families in and around Athens. We offer group classes and field trips to enhance students' learning, social opportunities like game nights and dances to build and nurture friednships, and service projects to allow studets and families a chance to show love in the community. Our group classes range from academics like chemistry, English, public speaking, and more to enrichment classes like archery, drama, music, soccer, mad science lab, math in the real world, etc. We want our classes to support your homeschool, so whether you are looking for academic structure or fun electives, we have classes for you and your children!
When and where do you meet?We meet on Mondays and Wednesdays at Oconee Heights Baptist Church, located at 4180 Jefferson Rd. Athens.
What classes do you offer?We offer a variety of classes for children grades K4-12. Most of our academic classes are on Mondays while Wednesdays focus on more enrichment and elective courses. Please view our class descriptions for a complete list.
How much does it cost?When you register, you will pay a registration fee: $45 per family paid each year PLUS $15 per student paid each semester At the start of classes, you will pay Supply fees for each class (range from $0-$30) - paid 2 times a year (once in August and once in January) Tuition for each class (range from $15-$35/period) - paid 8 times a year (4 in the fall semester and 4 in the spring semester). Supply fees and tuition costs vary based on the classes chosen, and the specific amounts can be found on the course description pages.
How do payments work?All families are responsible for paying the registration fee when they sign up for classes. Tuition payments begin in August. There are 4 tuition payments in the fall semester and 4 tuition payments in the spring semester. Monthly tuition for Monday classes is paid directly to Compass, and it ranges from $35-$75/class OR $150-185 for the full day. This can be paid through the payment center page of the website or by sending payment directly to Compass via PayPal, cash, or check. Monthly tuition for Wednesday classes is paid directly to the teachers using PayPal, Venmo, cash, or checks. Wednesday class tuition ranges from $15-70/ class, with most classes averaging $30-35/month. Prices for each class can be found on the course description page, and before classes begin in August, registered families will receive a chart listing all the classes with their corresponding tuition amounts, supply fees, teacher names, and teacher payment information.
How many classes will my child take?That is completly up to you! Some students come for just one or two classes. Other students come for a full day on Mondays and Wednesdays. Our program is designed to offer parents the flexibliity of choice . YOU decide exactly what you want for your child. All of our Wednesday classes are offered "a la carte," so students can sign up to take anywhere from 1 to 7 classes during the day. Monday classes are offered a la carte or as a package for a discount price.
Can I drop off my child?Yes. Many parents leave the campus after signing their child in for their classes.
Can my child stay for lunch?Lunch is a great time for students to develop friendships. Students who will stay on campus for lunch must provide their own lunch. Please indicate that your child will stay on campus for lunch when registering so we can plan accordingly. Students are expected to stay in the lunchroom during lunchtime and clean up their trash when they are done. At times, due to reaching capacity for lunch, we may give lunch priority to students who are enrolled in classes immediately before and after lunch. If your child finishes classes by or before 12:15 or starts classes 12:50 or later, they may be placed on a waiting list for lunch. If we have enough places, we will gladly open up lunch to them in August. We provide multiple lunchrooms for students based on grades: K4-K, 1st - 2nd grade, grades 3-6, 7-8, and grades 9-12. If necessary, we may split more depending on student numbers.
Can I stay on campus?Yes. Parents are welcome to stay on campus, either in their cars or on the grounds near the playground behind the sanctuary. We do not have indoor space for parents to hang out during classtime.
What are the teachers' qualifications?Please see page About the Teachers for a specific teacher's background. Our teachers come from a variety of backgrounds and bring a wide variety of experience to our classrooms. All teachers at Compass have passed background screenings.
Do you offer more than classes?Yes. Throughout the year, we will offer field trips, park days, and other opportunities for the students and parents to spend time together outside of Compass.
If I take classes on one day, do I have to take classes on both days?"No! Compass exists to offer parents the support they need in homeschooling their children, and that looks different for every family. Some parents are only interested in one or two classes to supplement their at-home curriculum; other parents are looking for the structure and support provided by the academic classes we offer. Families are encouraged to pick and choose the parts of Compass that best fit their needs.
What are my responsibilities as a homeschool parent in Georgia?All parents who homeschool their children in the state of Georgia are required to submit a Home Study Program Declaration of Intent annually. The easiest way to do that is to file online through the DOE website. Additionally, parents must keep the following records in their files: an annual attendance record, an annual assessment report for reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science, and test results from standardized testing (administered every 3 years starting in 3rd grade). GHEA is a great resource for homeschooling parents. Please note: Compass is not an authorized counsel on homeschooling in Georgia. Please refer to the GADOE for up-to-date information and requirements:
How do I keep track of credits from classes at Compass?Compass does not offer a transcript service. If you have a high school student, you are responsible for maintaining accurate records of your child's classes and grades. If your child is enrolled in a high school level class at Compass, you are encouraged to use that class on your transcripts, and teachers may provide you with the grade that the student received based on his or her quality of work (grades will be provided for MAP classes and some Wednesday classes). Please refer to the GHEA website and the GADOE website to know your responsibilities as a homeschool parent and standard GA graduation requirements.
Is Compass accredited and do I have to go through an accredited program?Compass is not accredited. There are many homeschoolers who graduate from a home study program who do not have accredited diplomas. Colleges today recognize the value and strength of homeschooled students and do not deny admission to a qualified applicant. Please review the application procedures for the university you are interested in as they vary from college to college. Additionally, state scholarship like the Hope and Zell Miller are available to unaccredited homeschool students. Students can qualify for those scholarships using their SAT or ACT scores initially (before they start college) or retroactively (after their first year of college) depending on the strength of their test scores and college GPAs. Please review the information provided by Georgia Futures for more details.
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